Return and Refund Policy

Damaged products or invalid orders:

We take the quality of our products very seriously. Every order is thoroughly inspected, tested and photographed before delivery. Always check that the product matches your order before use. If the product has already been used, we will not process a complaint, even if there is an error in the order.

If you find damage or errors in your order:

Please do not use the product. If the product has already been used, we will not process the complaint.

Report photo problems to our support staff ([email protected]) within 24 hours of receiving your order.

We will investigate the issue and the photo and get back to you.

In most cases, we will ship the damaged or missing part to you as ordered.


Returns and Refunds

Returns will be processed and refunded within 48 hours. Refunds will arrive within 2 business days

If you would like to cancel your order cancellation, please send an email to [email protected] with your:

1. order number

2. e-mail address

3. name

Within 24 hours of placing the order.